So I Gert around the afternoon of the Wales games (fuck, I had when sentences start with SO…). The idea being genius in it’s simplicity. We watch football, have some food, watch DVD of that Brendon gave me, have some beer, make some note, get on with our stinking life. The game was shit, so, in order to dull the pain, we moved onto the whiskey by about half 4. After the match,(which was fucking horrendous, and let me add my voice to the ongoing din, fuck off Delaney) we stuck on the video, in the hope that some of these girls will be amusing enough to make us laugh at the very least. Needless to say, our expectations were pretty low, having actually been there on the day.
So it was to our immense surprise, and indeed joy, that within 5 minutes of the start, we were rolling around on the floor laughing our asses off. For it wasn’t the DVD of the auditions at all. Oh no. it was a private sex video of Brendon and some brown haired girl I haven’t met, with a tramp stamp tattoo on her back, which was very visible as she upped and downed on Brandon’s fairly prostrate form. Eventually he turns her around, inexpertly trying to get her to face the camera which, it becomes increasingly more apparent, she doesn’t know is there. Half way through the phone starts ringing, and Brendon starts grunting, as is caught in two minds, phone or sex. The answering machine kicks in. who’s voice s it? Mine. Jesus we laughed.
The piece de resistance was yet to come however. Brendon eventually, audibly, empties his gravy bag, and the camera keeps rolling. About five minutes later, after some grumbling conversation, Brendon goes to the jacks (we we’re shuffling thru it at this stage, not watching the whole fucking thing) yer one fishes out his wallet and nicks about fifty quid. Me and Gert laughed our asses of.
Afterwards though I felt really fucking horny. I couldn’t hardly wait til Gert fell asleep on the couch at about
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